We crack the riddle: Is there more between us than just friendship?
There's a fine line between love and friendship and it's not uncommon to see Cupid playing around with his arrows and making two good friends fall in love.
The World of Friendship: How to Find a Best Friend!
Some people enter our lives and soon leave. Some stay and leave their mark on our hearts and become a part of us and accompany us through life as our greatest;
A true hero of the dating jungle: The Wingman
Finding a partner isn't easy. Very rarely do you find a perfect partner on the first try and live your life happy and in love. Most of us spend years
A letter to my best friend who got me through the separation phase
Dear best friend of all, I have never doubted our friendship. This may sound cheesy, but I knew from the day I met you that you would make a difference
A thank you note to the friend who never gave up on me
Dear Beast, I know I'm a mess. I know ; that sometimes I have no idea what I'm doing with my life and that I often wander aimlessly. I'
An open letter to my best friend who never gave up on me
Dear best friend, I want you to know how much you mean to me. I want you to know that you are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.
To my best friend who loves me for who I am
I'm not a great poet and I'm even worse at expressing my feelings, but still I will try to write a few words to you – to the person I owe so much.
40 bloody good reasons why I love my bestie
1. She is always there for me no matter what stupid thing I do! 2. She loves me with all her heart and always reminds me. 3. She fought for me when I wasn'
10 super cool girls night out ideas for a perfect girls night out
We all need an outlet to forget our everyday worries for a while. There it is the time we spend with friends is just what we need to bring balance into our lives.
7 important things to thank my best friend for
We all know that true friendship is hard to find and even harder to maintain. < p>But once you find 'your person', your 'soul mate'