What it really means to make them your priority

What it really means to make her your priority

Making your girl a priority in your life doesn't mean giving up anything for it have to.

It doesn't mean that your whole world has to revolve around them and meeting their needs.

That doesn't mean you have to forget your friends and the other people you care about, nor that she is your only focus in life.

If you make a girl your priority, you must respect her and her time.

It means showing up on time, when you promised, and not letting her down.

It means remembering an important date that she would like to celebrate with you.

A date like the anniversary of your first kiss, your first date, Valentine's Day of course, and other important events that make her feel valued and loved.

It means her messages so soon as possible instead of waiting all day to reply with a single word.

It takes literally 10 seconds to reply, so instead of brushing her off, just text her, that you love her and that you will write to her as soon as you get home from work.

She'll appreciate it more than you think.

Making your girl a priority in your life means showing her that by the be there at the end.

This means calling them from time to time instead of just texting them every now and then. By calling her, you are showing her that you care about hearing her voice and she will love it.

It means agreeing to be her companion at the wedding of her cousin, whom you don't even really know, but that doesn't really matter.

What matters is that it's for she matters, and that's all you care about.

By being by her side for important events in her life, you show her that you want to be a part of her life.


What better way to show your commitment than by volunteering to spend time with your entire family and actually enjoying it?

She will be overjoyed and you will be happy too if you make her feel loved and valued.

Your man ;Making girls a priority in your life means paying attention to their wants and needs.

It means knowing exactly what coffee you you need to pick up from Starbucks on the way to her without having to call her and ask.

That means knowing that roses are her favorite flowers and that tulips give her a strong allergic reaction.

That means knowing the names of her closest family members and her closest friends, and knowing exactly who they are would call first in an emergency.

It means knowing which song has stuck in her head all week and which songs make her turn off the radio.

It means really caring when she's talking about her work and that annoying colleague she can't stand, instead of just nodding and having no idea who she's talking about.

It means being present in her life and listening to hear and understand, rather than listening and just waiting for her to stop talking.

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Making your girl a priority in your life means actively including her in your world.

< p>That means taking her over to a movie night with you and your buddies because you want her to meet her and get to know her on a deeper level.

You want your girl and your best buddies are as best friends as possible as they are all important parts of your life.

It also means knowing exactly what her favorite food is so that you can surprise her after work from time to time and show up at her door with a full bag of her favorite food.

She will love you for it!

It doesn't mean you just assume she won't be interested in something that you don't invite her in the first place.

No, on the contrary , invite them to do the things you love and care about. Even if she's not interested, she loves you, so she will support you!

This is how it works. Make her a part of your life and she will do the same for you.< /p>

And before long you'll be enjoying the cooking classes she'll take you to and she'll really get involved with World of Warcraft and become an avid gamer! This is what you do for the people you love.

You involve them in things you love, which will increase your love for one another and you will meet on a much deeper level connect than you ever thought possible.

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