The more you play with her, the faster she will lose interest

The more you play with her, the faster she will lose interest

I'm not kidding you – There are girls who like games . Girls who will chase you if you try to run away from them.

It there are women who will go crazy for you once you start playing aloof.

Women who are turned on by having to compete for your attention with other women and girls who will do whatever it takes to make you choose them. Girls who love drama and car chases.

There are women who don't mind wasting their energy getting to the bottom of your personality.

Women who like guys who make you mysterious and secretive.

Women who get excited when they have to decipher your mixed signals and who are willing to read between the lines to fathom your every word and every action.

< strong>But this one is different.

First of all, it would be wrong to call her a girl. She is a grown woman who knows what she wants and will not settle for less.

An independent woman who has her standards and will not lower them for anyone. An independent woman who doesn't need you to feel complete.

She doesn't care about modern dating rules at all. She doesn't like playing games or ignoring guys to get her attention.

So if you're trying to fool her, if If you try to play with her mind, it's definitely not going to make her love you any more.

You won't drive her crazy about you and you certainly won't make her run after you.

Instead, you end up doing the exact opposite. You will chase her away.

The longer she has to wait for your answer and call, the further she will drift away from you. No, she won't be wondering where you are, and she won't text you a second time.

Instead, she'll just give up on you – she will lose her desire to ever contact you again.

No, she's not going to hope every time her phone rings that it's you. She will block your number and forget that you were ever a part of her life.

You will lose this woman more and more with every sleepless night she spends waiting for you to pick her up as promised.

Every lie and excuse you think she'll believe.

Every time she gets the feeling that you treat her like a second choice and backup plan, she will become more and more disinterested.

Every time you date her with other women compare and make her feel like she's not good enough.

Every time you try to hide her from the rest of the world, you'll lose sight of her more and more.< /p>

Every time you invite her to hang out with you after midnight. Every time you don't introduce her to your friends.

You will chase her away every time you sneak out of her house after you've slept with her and unless you take her out on a real date.

You will chase her away every time you cancel your plans, don't put them first and make them doubt your intentions.

What do you expect? That she'll put up with you disappearing into her life and coming back whenever you feel like it?

Well, think about it again, because you are more than wrong.

The longer this woman waits for you to come to your senses and break your shit&rszlig; get a grip, the more determined she will be to leave you.

Just because this woman likes you doesn't mean she will beg for your love.

It means not that she is willing to put up with all your crap and overlook all your misdeeds.

It doesn't mean that she will allow you to treat her however you like. ll or that she will accept your lousy behavior.

Most importantly, it doesn't mean she will be your ego booster – someone you can call whenever you want, just to prove to yourself that you're still man enough to conquer any chick.

Well, if you're even thinking about it , playing mind games with her, you can safely move on to your next victim, because you won't achieve anything with this woman.

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