The best relationship of your life will be with a woman who doesn't need you

You will have the best relationship of your life with a woman who doesn't need you

She is completely independent. She won't play games with you because she doesn't have the time or inclination for that. She has a busy schedule to keep and she won't be running your business.

She will answer your calls and text you back as soon as possible. She won't call you immediately after texting you just because you didn't answer.

She is happy with herself and she doesn't need a man to feel complete.

She listens to you when you speak. She is there for you if you have a problem. You know you can count on her because she sees you as her equal partner.

She is not dependent on you and will never allow you to be dependent on her are you. She doesn't need a boyfriend, she needs a partner.

When you find a woman who is used to being on her own, it will be the best relationship of your life. She doesn’t need your approval.

She doesn’t need to hear how beautiful she is because that’s what she knows; She already. She doesn’t need to hear how great she is at her job because thatß they also. She is completely independent and you should be proud of that.

You should be with a woman who knows what she's really worth, a woman who puts herself first. She's been in situations where she put everyone else ahead of her and got hurt in the process.

She realized that people are selfish and that everyone only thinks of themselves. And that even if you give everything for someone, you don't always get something back.

On the contrary, when you need their help, people often selfishly turn their backs on you, because they just don't want to help you.

That's why she's number one now.

Be with a woman who knows she's not perfect.

She knows she's a diamond in the rough; that she needs a little more time to become what she dreamed of. And even when that's done, she won't be completely satisfied with herself, because she will see that there is still room for improvement. 

And that doesn't frustrate her—it makes her ambitious because she wants to be the best version of herself.

Be with a woman who doesn't need you but know that you are still there for her are there.

She knows that you are her shoulder to cry on when she needs it. She knows she can count on you when she feels like shit.

She will ask you for advice if she wants. There will be no secrets between the two of you as she will tell you everything that is on her mind and she will ask you everything she wants to know.

The best relationship of your life will be you have with a woman who knows she can't do everything on her own.

Be with a woman who isn't afraid to ask for your help because she knows she isn't is omnipotent and that human beings were not made to live and go through life alone.

We all need love and support no matter how strong we are. Be with a woman who isn't afraid to admit it; who isn't so stubborn and proud.

Be with a woman who isn't brazen.

She's not afraid to admit that there are things that scare her . And she won't turn you away if you want to stand in for her and be brave. She lets you because she trusts you and she trusts you because she trusts herself.

Be with a woman who has her priorities. Be with a woman who has accepted herself for who she is.

Be with a woman who is happy with herself. Then you will be happy too.

Be with someone who inspires you to be better. That makes you want something and do something about it. Be with someone who motivates you to make your dreams come true.

Be with a woman who doesn't need you because when you see what she can do on her own you will want to do the same.

Be with a woman who doesn't need you because she doesn't need you wants to change.

She accepted you the way you are because she doesn't want to change anything about you. She knows all your faults and quirks and she can live with that. She is not resentful and knows how to forgive.

She is aware of the fact that anything you do wrong can happen to her too. She promised to love you and she won't take it back.

You will have the best relationship of your life with a woman who doesn't need you because she loves you unconditionally and won't do anything for it. r required. She will let you be yourself because she fell in love with this version of you.

Be with a woman like that because no one will love you like she does and to give up that love, would be the worst mistake of your life.

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