Symbiotic relationships are not only known in biology. More and more often, symbiotic relationships are associated with human relationships.
Symbioses themselves describe the functional coexistence from which both sides benefit.
Symbioses are often in found in the plant world, but also in the animal world. Modern psychology has also analyzed a type of symbiotic relationship in humans.
The first forms of human symbiosis arise in our childhood, the so-called parent-child symbiosis. This type of symbiosis usually relates more to the relationship between mother and child.
The mother-child relationship is characterized from an early age by the symbiotic relationship pattern. What does such a mother-child symbiosis refer to?
Symbiosis in itself symbolizes a way of living together in which both parties benefit, but when it comes to symbioses between people, they usually have a negative one Colouring.
Only human symbioses have a negative impact on the development of individuals, they do not support each other but slow each other down.
Especially when it comes to the mother-child symbiosis, you immediately notice that this is a dependent relationship.
Even in early childhood, the mother wants her child commit themselves in order to have greater influence on their development.
The child subconsciously becomes dependent on the mother and is unable to lead an independent life.
This symbiotic relationship has serious consequences for the development of the mother-child relationship, which in most cases leads to mutual dependence.
The mother becomes attached to the child and suffers from the fear of loss , when she feels that her child is growing up and becoming more independent.
Above all, this bond between mother and son is strong. When her son grows up and starts to fall in love, the mother goes to great lengths to sabotage any relationship.
She sees a threat in every potential wife who wants to separate her from her son. Mothers suffer from anxiety that their son will replace them with another woman.
Meanwhile, the child suffers from strong self-doubt because he thinks that he can't do anything himself .
Sons often end relationships because they are emotionally blackmailed by their mothers and cannot withstand the pressure.
The mother is still holding on to the child’s umbilical cord, so to speak, and the child’s needs are put ahead of her own.
This is mostly about emotional dependency, because who can ;could know or understand us better than one's own mother.
Through this first exposure to a symbiotic relationship, it is very easy to encounter the same pattern of behavior in adult life.
One seeks to be close to a person who will arouse the same feelings in us as motherly love.
Signs of a symbiotic relationship
Relationship partners merge more and more often without them realizing it. They don't even realize they are going through different symbiotic phases and are inseparable from each other.
Each symbiotic phase has its signs that should set your alarm bells ringing.
1. You only focus on your partner
The first symbiotic phase is reminiscent of being in love, because you want to be with your partner all the time. Throughout the text, you will often think of the phenomenon of falling in love as you analyze the phases.
But a symbiotic relationship has nothing to do with butterflies in your stomach, it is just a way of hanging out with one another ;pendency.
Why does it happen that you only focus on your partner? The answer is very simple.
These are people who have had bad experiences in relationships. Who moved from another city because of their partner.
They are afraid, they think that all they have to do is have eyes for their partner so that they don't lose them. When you've had a bad experience, you want to do it right this time.
You don't want to be duped again.
In the beginning, this kind of attention will impress your partner and they will feel comfortable and cared for. He allows the symbiosis because it makes him feel more powerful. You give each other power and strength.
But over time, he can get bothered by that too, because you never leave his side. Everything you do is done as a couple and in the long run this can be restrictive and your partner will feel overwhelmed by you.
2. You neglect everything and everyone
If you only focus on your partner, it can easily happen that you lose track and forget everything around you. Those couples who lead a symbiotic relationship very often neglect their parents, friends or acquaintances.
They become inseparable and only think about the well-being of the other. At first glance, that doesn't look so bad. But after a while, reality catches up with us and we realize that we are acting quite selfishly.
It will become more and more common to forget important family events, such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries.
Others are thereby hurt without one being aware of it. But when confronted with it, it can be an eye-opener.
This feeling can lead you to change your symbiotic behavior and remember what the true values are of a human being and that family should never be neglected.
If you still don't want to or can't do anything without your partner, you should find a solution together. You may be enough for each other right now, but that can easily change over time.
And through your symbiotic behavior, you could make your family turn their backs on you and nothing want to have more to do with you.
3. No development
It often happens that couples living in a symbiotic relationship do not make any progress. All the time they are in the same spot and doing nothing with their lives.
This is because they think they complement each other. They don’t try to do anything better in life, they are perfectly happy with where they are now because they have each other.
Many avoid getting better because they are afraid that they could lose their partner that way. They don't want their partner to feel less worthy just because one of them has gotten better.
They often avoid any kind of change, because every change can be negative Trigger a reaction in your partner and you want to prevent that.
You lose track of things and simply live from day to day. The only thing symbiotic partners worry about is their relationship partner.
4. Emotional Blackmail
Once you get to that symbiotic phase, you should run away real quick. More and more often it happens that one part, i.e. a partner, of the symbiotic relationship feels pushed into a corner and needs some time for itself.
Exactly at that moment, the other partners do everything they can to prevent their partner from doing anything without them and the best way to do that is through emotional blackmail.
The partner is made serious accusations, such as:
”You don’t love me anymore because you do things without me more and more often.”
” Why are you coming back from work so late, are you hiding something from me?”
”Do you talk to other people about me? It would hurt me deeply.”
”If you loved me, you would take better care of me.”
Such statements are intended to make your partner feel guilty so that you bind him even more firmly to you. People who have a symbiotic relationship cannot bear it when their partner spends time without them.
They automatically think that they have been exchanged and for that reason they try in every way and Way to be present in your partner’s life.
The easiest way to achieve this is through emotional blackmail, because by doing so you put yourself in the victim role and your partner feels a lot of guilt and starts to think about his behavior.
He himself begins to have doubts and wants to make amends. This is how the addicted partner gets the attention he or she deserves.
Symbiotic relationships can be a heavy burden on the development of a healthy partnership. Not everyone can handle the pressures of a symbiotic relationship, and there may be times when your partner will flee.
When you realize you are trapped in a symbiotic relationship, mindfulness is required. This relationship pattern leads to the relationship partners changing completely and losing their true selves.
They are helpless and cannot make a decision without their partner. Everything has to be decided together. So it often happens that the relationship partners have no self-esteem and only rely on the partner.
Sometimes you just look for a partner who is like your parents.
Your childhood relationship with your parents was very intense and after surviving the loss once you want to protect yourself from another emotional one Protect injury.
You can only do that by filling the gap left by your parents. The symbiotic partners are of great importance. You bond with them, emotionally and physically.
In the beginning, the partners don't realize that they are just a kind of stopgap. Only after a long time do they realize that they are being compared to their parents more and more often.
Symbiotic relationships should represent a vigorous connection that drives the partner. Relationships that lead to mental and emotional development.
But more and more often it happens that the partners just let go and do nothing with their lives.
If one realizes that one is in a negative symbiotic relationship if one finds a solution how to free oneself from dependency and lead a healthy coexistence.
This is achieved on best through communication and exchange of opinions.
A relationship consists of two people who are usually completely different. And it is precisely these differences that make them so special. Don't let your ego be stolen from you, because a healthy we can only emerge from two different egos.