It's simple: if he's not after you, he doesn't want to be with you

It's simple: if he's not after you, he doesn't want to be with you

It's hard, honestly to be yourself when your feelings run wild.

You hear what you want to hear. You can spot the signs that he's into you, even when they're not really there.

You do whatever it takes to convince yourself that he's interested.

Maybe a little less than you, but still there are some feelings.

But there aren't any, at least no real feelings. He may like you.

He may come by when it suits him. He may give you crumbs, but he'll never be all in it.

It's really simple, and we shouldn't complicate things further. If a man wants you, he'll be after you.

If he doesn’t, he could be living across the street and he’d still be making excuses not to see you.

The desire to chase is built into a man's DNA.

He will follow who he wants and will do the impossible to be by her side.

If he doesn't, he's not interested in having a real and committed relationship.

It's just that sometimes it's so hard to be aware of .

Not just because you're so in love that you can't see clearly, but because most men want something, but they don't want everything.

So they stall you. They serve you lies and they know all the right words to say to keep you by their side.

They will give you enough to hold on, but never enough to know that her heart belongs only to you.

He'll have his charming days. Days when you will be sure that he is totally into you. Then he'll turn the whole thing upside down.

He'll forget to text you, sometimes for days. He'll come by when it suits him. He'll get angry for no reason.

And you'll feel confused by the whole thing.

You'll have a million questions running through your head. You will try to get to the bottom of things.

You will question yourself and even start to think that it was something you did.

Stop it! He is not worth it. He's not worth your time. He’s not worth the trouble.

There is no point in chasing someone who always has one foot; in front of the door.

You can't be happy with a man who isn't 100% sure of his feelings for you is.

Don't be a woman waiting for his message like her life depends on it. Don't let him in and out of your life as he pleases.

Don't let him treat you like a doormat. Don't settle for less than you deserve.

Your feelings are not a toy for him to play around with. Your mind is not something to have fun with. should have.

Your body is not available to him. Don't make him believe that for a second.

Be a woman who knows her worth. Be self-confident. Be brave. Be independent. Take your life and happiness into your own hands.

Never allow a man to waste your time. Don't wait for him to change. He never will.

Be the one who doesn't measure your worth based on your relationship status.

Be the one who knows that being single is always better than being with one bad relationship.

Don't deny yourself the right to be with someone who can give you that old-fashioned kind of love where a man courts you and will stop at nothing until he makes you his.

No, this way of thinking is not a fairy tale. It's true and it exists.

It's just that you don't see it because of the completely fake men surrounding you.

Wait for them Love story in which a man shows you that he likes you.

The one in which he plans ahead. The one where he remembers the message.

The one where he finds the time. The one where he shows you how important you are. The one where he's chasing you.

That's not asking too much. You deserve a real love story with a man who is loyal to you.

You deserve someone who respects you and is always there for you.

You deserve someone who will accept your flaws and not rub them in your face every time he feels like it.

You deserve someone you can rely on, a man who will respect your greatest; will be your biggest supporter and inspire you to do great things.

You deserve the love that makes you feel safe.

You deserve the real thing, nothing fake and temporary.

Don't settle for mixed signals and little effort. You should be his priority, not his option.

You should be his goal, not a stop along the way. Keep that in mind and don't fall for his lame excuses.

You can be sure that the man you're supposed to end up with will be after you.

He'll make things don't complicate things and make your life miserable.

He will show you that love is never forced. It always flows naturally from his heart to yours and back again and again.

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