If he doesn't want a relationship, don't give him a relationship

If if he doesn't want a relationship, don't give him a relationship

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The chemistry is right, the feelings are there, the communication is perfect and the desire is unstoppable.

It seems you have everything… everything but him.

He says he's not ready for a relationship yet. He only gives you crumbs and always keeps you at a distance.

He won't let you get too close and keeps his options open.

On the other hand he can't bear the thought of seeing you with anyone else.

He demands commitment from you but can't offer the same in return. And it's time you put an end to this.

Don't give him partner privileges if he's not your friend.

Yes, that applies especially to ;r sex. You don't sleep with your buddies either, do you?

If you have bigger feelings for him than he has for you, you can't let him see you as something casual.

Think about it. Why would he be interested in a relationship when he can get everything for free?

Your emotional bond with him could be your undoing.

Maybe not really fatal, but emotional carnage is guaranteed. Your heart breaks just as easily when something is official as it is when it isn't.

You spend time with someone, emotions develop, you bond with them faster than you ever imagined.

You text all the time, you meet often, you have your insiders -Jokes, you know each other's thoughts and how you smell in the morning.

It's not just about sex, it's about so much more. That's why the situation you find yourself in is just as painful as a breakup.

You want more and the bitter truth is that he might not have more to offer.

So, be the one in charge.

Take him off the pedestal you put him on if he's not willing to treat you like a lady.


He's your priority, your number one, the center of your universe, your king, but if he can't treat you right then he's not worthy of you.

If he's not willing to step up and make you his, he's not worth your time.

Don't let several months or years go by without being truly happy.

Happiness comes and goes in your life, but it never lasts long.

You feel like he is in control and all he gives you are just moments of tremendous joy which he then spoils with much longer periods of uncertainty.

There are days when there is nothing he won't do for you, and then there are others when a quick answer, a simple “How are you?” and meeting you is too much trouble.

His head and heart are inconsistent and they make your life a mess.

He l&auml ;makes you believe that this could all change. He talks about his feelings for you. He talks about the future and you make plans together.

Then suddenly he is nowhere to be found. He's ”too busy”, he's out with his friends night after night, he doesn't have time for you until it suits him.

It's disrespectful to say the least, and it has to stop.

You have to remember that you deserve better from him, from life, from yourself.

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Especially from yourself, because everything is in your hands. You must have standards.

You cannot put up with someone's bad behavior and little effort.

Love yourself as much as you would like someone else to love you and everything will fall into place.

< p>You deserve a lot from him if he expects the partner privileges of a relationship. You deserve to be called his girlfriend.

You deserve respect, loyalty and dedication. You deserve more than half his heart.

Life also owes you a thing or two. It owes you peace in your heart and love in your life. All you have to do is reach for it.

You deserve a committed relationship, where all your effort is reciprocated and not just coming from you.

You deserve to be loved and not always being the one who loves for two.

So if he's not ready to be in a relationship, don't give him partner privileges and make it clear that you're not ready for one either ;re ready for a non-relationship.

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