People change over time. They experience all sorts of things in their lives and that has consequences.
That's why you can never be 100% sure that your partner will never cheat on you.
Think just think of the many stories you heard about couples who you thought would never break up and when they did it was a huge shock to you.
He cheated on her and you thought that you also want to have a love like they had etc.
Therefore you can never be 100% sure that he is not cheating on you. will.
But despite the stories you've heard, you still want to believe that your husband would never do this to you.
In in most cases you are right. If he really loves you, he will prove to you every day that he cares about you.
But still, we all have these insecurities that hit us from time to time. In order to banish these insecurities from our lives forever, I have put together a few points for you so that you can be sure that your husband will never cheat on you:
1 . He trusts you completely
You know that trust is the most important thing in a relationship. You build everything you have on trust.
If you don't trust your husband then your relationship will probably fall apart before long, because trust problems bring a whole host of other problems, such as jealousy and the like.
He knows; that and he trusts you. He loves you so much that he will keep his promises.
He knows that you will never break your word and that you will keep your promises.
He will trust in have your decisions even if he disagrees.
He'll probably tell you if he thinks something's a bad idea, but he'll still let you do it.
Somewhere deep inside he knows ß he that you have a good reason for it.
He trusts you so much because he knows that you will not let anything ruin your relationship.
2. He is absolutely honest
There are no secrets in your relationship, at least not big ones.
I mean, we all have secrets, but that wouldn't change the direction your relationship is going in, because those secrets aren't big.
He'll always tell you what's in before him because he knows that you will understand him and that you will never judge him for what he does.
He has so much trust in you that he will tell you embarrassing things will tell about himself that the others do not know about him.
This is another sign that he has no intentions of cheating on you because he believes your relationship will last. Otherwise he would have told you almost nothing about himself.
3. He is always by your side
He wants to be a part of your life and want to be a part of it as much as possible without being clingy.
He supports you in everything you do and he is always there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on. However, that doesn't mean he interferes in your life.
He knows that you can make your own decisions and he respects that.
But if you make a mistake, he will never say ”I told you so!”.
Instead he will help you solve the problem so you can become a stronger and better person.< /p>
He supports you so you can learn from your mistakes because he respects and loves you.
If he doesn't agree with you, he doesn't try to persuade you to do or think something else – he will be there for you when you make a mistake and when you fall to help you get back on your feet.
4. You can tell him anything you want
There are no restrictions in your relationship. When you are alone, you both know that you are safe and that you can tell each other everything.
He will invest everything he has in your relationship because he knows that there are no restrictions.
He knows that he can share his feelings with you and that you will always understand him and will never judge him.
5. He respects you
Your opinion and your vote are like his own. He will never interrupt you in mid-sentence or pretend he is smarter than you or second guessing. He knows that you are a beautiful and intelligent person who is very good at expressing himself.
He knows that you have a voice worth being heard to become.
And because of that, he will give you more opportunities to articulate your thoughts. You don't have to be afraid to say what you think.
He shows you respect by talking about you with his friends and by “showing off” you every time he gets the chance.
He's proud of who you are as a person and what you have achieved in your life. He will never oppress you or humiliate you in front of other people.
6. He has buried the past
There are no old flames in his life anymore because you are more than enough for him and he is thankful that he has you Has. He has banished any old flame from his life.
He has put the past behind him and is focused on a beautiful present and an even more beautiful future with you. He would never do anything to jeopardize that.
It's not easy to resist the sexual tension with an old love and it's always easier to go back to someone that you already know.
But he's brave enough to ”risk” to remove every woman from the past from his life forever.