I'd rather stay single than waste my life on some immature idiot

I'd rather be single than waste my life on an immature idiot

People often mistake feeling alone for actually being alone. Really lonely to be.

They believe that if you are in a relationship it means you are happy.

But no one ever said that, just because you have someone, it also means you are always happy with that person.

I learned this lesson from my own experience, so I know; me what i'm talking about. You know, I've always been a strong woman who does things her own way.

Then I met the guy I fell head over heels in love with. He was my first love, my reason for living and my best friend.

But since dating is not an easy thing and it takes a lot of effort, we broke up.

We are in St&uuml ;broken chunks so small it seemed like we'd never been together.

And while I was so upset and thinking that now I'm alone and fucked up, came I have something in mind.

I realized that just because I was single didn't mean I had to be sad.

That moment was my epiphany, and I realized that breaking up with you was the best thing could have ever happened to me.

I've realized that it's better to be alone than to hang out with an asshole.

It's better to live a life where I can be myself without pretending to be someone else just to make my boyfriend like me.

If he can't accept all my bad points, then he doesn't deserve the best either.

I don't want to settle for less than I deserve and I refuse to be anyone's puppet with who will play when and how he wants.

I've realized that I'm strong enough to wait for the right guy.< /strong>

I know also that by speeding things up I won't reach my ultimate goal and that this time I have to let things take their course.

I have to let fate do its work and just accept whatever whatever it takes me.

I've spent so much time making my own love rules, but it never worked.

From now on, I'll just keep still and the sky have the right one sent to me.

I have been with so many men and none of them have been able to give me the love I craved.

Each of them let me down at least once and that's why I decided to break up with them.

Because if someone shows that they don't love me, then why should I stay with them and um ask for his attention?

If I was going to have my heart on my sleeve and open up to him, then he should have done the same for me.

But if someone doesn't want to do that, they just can't be at the top of my list of priorities.

I only have one life to live and I certainly won't waste it on one guy , who doesn't love me as much as I love him.

I will not settle for a lack of love, a lack of attention, and a lack of respect. I deserve to be loved.

I deserve to be cared for. I deserve someone who's after me. And I deserve all of this to happen naturally.

And if a man can't offer me that, I don't need him.

I will be my own cause of happiness. I can marry myself. 

All my life I've been looking for men who will make me happy, but now I've realized that I am my own reason for happiness.

I realized that I don't need a man to complete me. I don't need him to guide me or point me in the right direction.

I just need someone who accepts me completely and loves me unconditionally. But until he comes, I will fall in love with myself first.

I will learn to be my own priority and get what I want without anyone else doing it for me I have to do.

I know he won't come tomorrow or in a month, but eventually he will.

And I know that I'm not dating anyone just to not be alone. I will wait for someone worth the wait.

I will wait for the man who will be my best friend, my soul mate and my lover at the same time.

The one who will come after me even if I already belong to him, who will love me to the moon and back, and who will never give up on me.

I will wait for the man whose love is feels like home.

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