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People seem to think that a woman needs a man to make her life easier. They seem to think that we are unable to do anything ourselves.
Social norms teach us that men are the protectors and providers of families and women are the caretakers. Well, I can tell you that this is total nonsense!
I know many women who are more manly than the men next to them. I know single mothers who raise their children just as well as two parents would.
And I'm sick of hearing this suggestion that a woman needs a man in her life. She doesn't need him, but she can have him if she wants.
You should all believe that you are strong and independent women. You can take care of yourselves. You can make a good living for yourself.
You are more than capable of it. You don't need another person in your life to become what you want to become.
Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to exclude everyone, because you can do everything yourself. Don't be a relationship hater. You can be in a relationship and be independent at the same time.
Never allow yourself to lose that independence and be subordinate to someone you are with only for the sake of the relationship.
There are many other men out there; Men who will not force you to give up your freedom.
This is not love. This is control.
Love isn't about making decisions for someone else. Love is not calling your partner to see if they are cheating on you. Love is not doubting everything the other says.
Love is support and trust. Love is inspiration and motivation.
I allow myself to fall in love, but I set limits because I don't want to lose myself.< /p>
I don't necessarily need a man in my life, but I want a man.
That's just me. I will always choose love, but not at any cost. I will love someone because I want to, not because I have to.
I am perfectly capable of living alone. I don't need anyone to show me how to live or what to do. I am independent and want to stay that way.
I will never sacrifice myself and stay in a crappy relationship just because I have no other choice.
I refuse to be trapped with a man I don't love just because I need him.
When I fall in love, the man by my side, not me for him Have to carry the rest of his life on his shoulders.
We will be partners and lovers. We will create an unbreakable bond and partnership. We will help each other.
Love shouldn't just be about taking care of the other person. Sure, you'll be there for each other when you need it.
But love isn't about picking up the trash behind someone. No one should be just a giver or taker in a relationship.
You have to be both a giver and a taker. When your partner needs you, you need to be there for them, and when you need them, they need to do the same for you.
I don't want to lower my partner's expectations.
I want him to know that I will try as hard as he does.
I want him to know that I will never let him support me just because he's used to me not lifting a finger or even trying.
If this relationship is going to work, we have to do our best – both of us.
I don't need to be saved. I'm not looking for a Prince Charming to wake me from my deep sleep.
I don't need a knight on a white horse to save me.
< p>I need an equal partner.
I need a friend. I don’t need or want a man who will solve my problems, nor a man who will become one of them.
I want a man who will support me will – and I don't mean financially. A man who will encourage me to keep going when I want to give up.
I want a man who cares about my dreams as much as I do. I don’t want someone to put me down and say I can’t do something.
I want someone who will be proud of me and everything I do.
I want a life partner. Someone who can build a happy future with me and won't stand in my way.