How to stop obsessing over someone: 10 surefire ways to get them out of your mind

How to stop obsessing over someone: 10 surefire ways to get them out of your mind

If you've ever been in a situation where you couldn't stop thinking about someone day and night, they're just permanent residents in your head.

They're round around the clock and never want to leave.

You know you're obsessing in vain and it's not making you happy, but you just don't know how to stop obsessing over someone.

Independent from whether you had something more intimate with a person or just had a crush on them for no reason, the pattern is the same; you think about them all the time, wherever you go, whatever you do, they're always somewhere in the back of your mind.

Maybe you've had a chance to move on with someone else.

But your obsession is holding you hostage and you hope that one day things might change, you just hold it so tightly you can't give anyone a chance.

Sometimes you can't tell there's someone else out there because obsession blocks your view. The worst thing is not seeing yourself either.

You don't see that life offers you new opportunities every day if you just escape your thoughts and embrace them.

You realize it's time for change is. Don't necessarily keep going, just get moving.

Take a few steps forward because you feel like you've been stuck in the same place for a long time. The worst thing you can do is do nothing.

But if you don't know where to start, here are some surefire ways to get rid of your obsession:

< h2>1. Realize that you are possessed.

Sometimes the person we lie to the most is the one staring at us in the mirror.

< p>There is no one in this world that we can fool as easily as ourselves. That's why we have to step back and be realistic.

This is the hardest part; when we admit we have a problem.

I know this sounds like we're in some kind of rehab but that's it, the person we're obsessing with is our drug of choice and the sooner we realize we have a problem the better sooner we can continue.

2. Get to the bottom of it.

It's never about the other person, it's always about us. There must be a reason that got us into this obsessive state.

Maybe we've had too many bad breaks in our lives.

Maybe every past relationship has been with an unworthy, toxic man and our dream guy is a breath of fresh air.

Maybe we're just a little lonely (although that's the hardest thing to admit) and we're dating done to this guy that has turned him into more of a dream than reality.

Whatever it is, the sooner we know the cause, the sooner the image of him will disappear from our minds .

3. Ban yourself from social media.

Social media is both a curse and a blessing. They are great ways to communicate, learn something new and have fun. to have.

On the other hand, they give us stalking privileges that we never thought possible.

So we spend our days investigating , where he has been, with whom, we stare at his pictures, we are obsessed with his posts.

It drives us crazy because we have him on our screen but not in our lives.

So best disable your social media accounts for a while or just unfriend him.

This is one of the most helpful steps, otherwise we'll just fall deeper by following their social media accounts.

4. Create a physical distance.

The adage "out of sight, out of mind" is no coincidence. If you don’t spend time around her, it’s easier to get her out of your mind.

Every time you see her, your obsession grows. So if you hang out with the same people or visit the same places, back off.

It will be hard at first, but it will get easier over time.

5 . Avoid contact with them.

If you find yourself in a situation where you text or call each other from time to time or on a regular basis, you tear your wounds only deeper.

Stay away. Tell him you're busy with work, study, or whatever you can think of and just don't have time to write.

This path is probably the hardest , but feigning friendship has never done any good for everyone involved.

6. Focus on yourself.

There are tons of things you could or should be doing right now instead of obsessing over him. Focus on them.

Improve your life. Work on yourself. In a few years you'll be thankful you made that decision.

There are better things to do, so get your butt off the couch and go. The whole world is out there. Time is precious and you waste it. You can do better.

7. Socialize more.

You probably don't have much time for your friends because you're too busy.

you see the problem Call your friends, hang out with them and talk to them about anything but your dreamy possessed type.

There are many themes to choose from. And time well spent with friends is your best therapy.

8. Be adventurous.

Do something you've never done before. Something you want to do, but might be a little outside of your comfort zone.

You can do anything like jump out of a plane, zip line, horseback ride, ride a bike, anything you want. In any case, change is the best medicine.

Even consider traveling somewhere you've never been before.

A change of scenery changes you Perspective so you might realize things aren't all you made them out to be.

9. Realize that he's not perfect at all.

He's not perfect, you just made him that way.

He may have many qualities and one can genuinely feel that there is no one else in the world quite like him, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

You're just infatuated with him, so you created this image in your head that has no connection to him. You're not in love, you're obsessed.

10. Don't try to stop thinking about him.

This is the best answer to the question 'How do you stop obsessing over someone? The more you try, the more you think about him.

Note that most of these steps have nothing to do with him, they have everything to do with you. The bottom line is that you have to focus on yourself.

You're just doing “you” for a change. Live your life to the fullest and he will just fade away in your thoughts without even trying not to think about him.

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