Gaslighting: 6 examples of brutal mental abuse

Gaslighting: 6 examples of brutal mental abuse

Have you ever felt bad because someone said something that made you question your sanity?

Has it happened to you that you felt disoriented because you started to believe the people around you more than yourself?

If you recognize yourself in these lines, I regret to inform you that you have been gaslighted.

Gaslighting has become one of the most common forms of emotional abuse in which an abuser will use any means necessary to control and manipulate their victim.

In this case, a victim loses themselves completely, loses their self-confidence, questions their common sense and feels that everything they believed in until now, was just a product of her imagination.

When a victim feels like this, the perpetrator will finally be happy because he has achieved his goal: He has turned a person who is no longer secure into someone who completely depends on him ;ngig.

With his sick tactics and mind games, he has mastered the art of turning any woman who thinks with her own head into a puppet that he controls.

The most important thing you need to know is how to spot all the red flags that someone is a gaslighter.

Here are some of the most common examples that come up every time an abuser tries to control his victim. I suggest you read them all and learn how to react to situations like this.

1. Lying

If a gaslighter wants to control his victim, he will lie about her being unable to do anything.

In this way he shows her that without him she would not be able to achieve her goals or lead a successful life.

This happens very often in romantic relationships where a partner is jealous of the other and he does everything to make her life too difficult.

He exaggerates when he says that he is smarter and better than her just to make her feel bad feels.

But in most cases this type of story will work because a victim will start to question their ability to do things right and their common sense.

2. Control

Every Gaslighter's favorite game is controlling his victim.

He does so in a variety of ways, ranging from denial that he ever said anything to confusion and attack with a series of questions without time to answer.

He will do all these things because he knows that by doing so he will have total control over his victim and that if he convinces her that she is not good enough, she will always stay with him.< /p>

Humiliation and insult are also on the list of all the bad things a man can do to a woman when he has this kind of mental illness.

3. Reserved

If the gaslighter sees that his victim is smart enough to realize that he is toying with her, he will start pretending that he doesn't understand what she is saying, and he will deny that he has done bad things in the past.

Any question she asks him, he will respond with a different question and ask her why she is mentioning such things at this time because he doesn't think they are important.

< p>The catch is that he uses any tactic to end the discussion and convince his victim that she was wrong and that he was right.

4. Trivialization 

Sentences like: ”Don’t be so sensitive!”, ”You’re exaggerating!” or "Don't make such a fuss about such a trifle!" Are classic examples of gaslighting in relationships.

In this way, the gaslighter consciously does whatever it takes to convince the victim that her needs are not as important as his and that they are a should wait a while to follow her own dreams.

He just wants to satisfy his needs, not bother about his partner.

5. Bombarding with questions

When I say questions, I am not referring to normal questions but to ones that indirectly tell her that she is unable to do anything right.

A gaslighter will bombard its victim with questions asking if she is sure about something or if she thinks something she did was handled well.

In this way, each victim will feel bad about herself, she will doubt her own health and she will wonder if everything she has done so far has been right or not.

6. Using your loved ones against you

For example, if you have children, a gaslighter will likely tell you that you are a terrible mother who is more devoted to her career than her children and that he should probably take her away from you.

It would make any woman doubt if she really did such a thing, because it would break her heart if she neglected her children because of her work.

If you were in such a situation, don't think you did anything wrong for not doing it.

You were just a victim of a sick man who couldn't face his partner being more successful than him.< /p>

After the victim notices all the red rags, the abuser will find another way to win them.

He will likely play the cards of love and affection and he will tell her that he missed her so much and that is why he treated her this way.

Once that is said, a victim will feel disoriented, because she won't know what the true truth is and she will always wonder if she should go back to him and give him another chance.

Whatever you decide, please note that Gaslighting is a malicious act.

It can only bring you emotional and mental harm and that is certainly not the way a woman should be treated in a relationship.

Hopefully these examples will help you to see all those ominous gaslighting signs and once you recognize them you will run as far as possible from your culprit.

And think Remember, no matter how much you love someone, you can't let them manipulate and control you like that!< /strong>

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