A letter to the man who showed me I'm better off without him

A letter to the man who showed me I'd be better off without him

When we broke up, it scared me sore. Life as I knew it was falling apart completely.

At the time, I thought I would never survive.

Oddly enough, I felt relieved me shortly after the first wave of despair.

I almost felt guilty because it felt so good.

This sense of enlightenment and peace was so unexpected.

Looking back on it I realize I've been trying for too long to rekindle our relationship but nothing ever worked because she was long dead and we were too scared to face the truth .

It never worked because eventually you gave up and I was the only one who cared. I should be angry – but I'm happy.

I'm really thankful that I can finally be myself.

What it's like to just do the little things, the little joys enjoy and express myself without fear that someone will judge me.

Without the pressure to fail or get on each other's nerves, there was nothing we could do. The more I tried, the more toxic it became.

Every time I tried to get out of the same rut, you pulled me back in.

< p>And maybe I did the same to you? We chased each other around in circles.

In the end we were nothing but two strangers with similar habits. Like matryoshka dolls that are full and empty at the same time.

After years of transforming myself into something you needed me to be, I remembered in my newfound freedom remembering who I used to be.

I became more alive, more confident, more open-minded and I was ready to go through anything.

Now I can finally say that I love being alone and I love being myself. I never thought I'd ever say this, but here I am.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in a relationship with another person that we don't realize how much we do have changed over the years.

We don't realize we're not the same person we were a few years ago, but we're still doing the same old things we used to do have.

Most of the time it doesn't make sense. With age and new experiences in life, it is normal to change.

Sometimes we outgrow another person, and that's okay.

It doesn't mean that that person is in any way inferior to us, totally and not at all.

He's just at a different stage in his life.

People walk different paths, eventually they don't share the same views anymore, and there are still countless other people. possible reasons for breakups.

It is important to know when to let go. Letting go is usually an uncomfortable feeling while it's happening.

No wonder when you consider how much effort and effort you put into something that you now have to let go of.


Letting go of something that used to mean so much to you is like letting go of a part of yourself.

But let's not forget that everything happens for a reason.

His place in my life was no coincidence. We were made for each other. Just not forever.

Don't underestimate the importance of almost-love. Not everything has to be perfect to be valuable.

We were meant to be so I could finally understand what I want and that's important. I want authenticity I want freedom.

I want to be able to screw things up. I want to see everything I can do. Everything I couldn't do with you.

Now I know; I'm better off alone No one needs to tell me what I'm worth except myself.

I hope to see him one day and I won't bring back the bad memories. Just thinking about the good ones.

In that moment I will be grateful and happy that we both moved on.

Grateful for what I have what I want without fear.

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