When you get hurt, the first thing you do is piss off. If you could, you would break him like a twig.
You cannot understand why things happened the way they did. Why did he have to break your heart and stomp on it and then just throw it away?
You have no idea what happened to you and why you feel the way you do. And in all your anger you can't see that being shot down is a good thing.
You don't understand that he gave you a chance to find true love and that getting rid of him is the best thing that could have happened to you.
That's why you long for revenge&mdash ;cause revenge is sweet.
I'm not talking about stealing his car or stalking him because that's really sick. Revenge is good, but only if that revenge doesn't drag you down to his level or drive you insane.
Let's say I'm talking about a healthy kind of revenge, a kind of revenge that will make you feel better about yourself by not directly harming him.
Check out some possibilities how to get back at him without damaging your ego or pride:
1. Move on with your life
You must forget him and move on with your life without him. Face the future with courage and make sure he hears about it.
Don't let him take the satisfaction that you're hurt because he left you. Don't give him any reason to think he was the most important person in your life, even if he was.
He doesn't deserve this for leaving you without a proper breakup under your relationship.
He acted like a boy and not like a man. The best revenge is that you evolve, that you're fine, and that he knows it!
2. Karma works miracles
You practically don't have to do anything. Ditch the mind games and your insidious schemes, because they won't do you any good.
It will only give you satisfaction for a moment, but when you come to, you will be bitter and sad.
Let karma do it for you. If he deserves to be punished, then he will be punished and you don't have to worry about it.
You know the saying “What you sow, you will reap”. He'll get his fat off, just wait and see.
3. It's time for a killer figure
Train! Exercise whenever you have the time. Not only is this good for your health, but you'll also let off steam and feel relaxed as if no one could harm you.
Another benefit is that you'll be in great shape and won't have to do anything afterwards. When he sees your amazing new body he will regret leaving you but by then it will be too late.
4. Don't say anything at all
I know you want to yell at him and that you're frustrated, but believe me, often it's better to just say nothing and go with it no longer available.
Just ignore him. If he cheated on you, then he's probably a narcissist, and there's nothing narcissists hate more than being ignored. You'll hit the mark if you just ignore him.
5. Rather than retaliate against him, be the same as before
Focus on mending and healing your broken heart rather than retaliating against him .
Because if you focus on getting revenge on him, then you won't have enough energy to get back on your feet.
Forget it and focus on yourself, on your healing process and on regaining your confidence.
It's in our nature to want to be even and nobody can break that compulsion, but believe me , nothing is more satisfying and better for you than putting yourself first and moving on with your life.
6. Do what you wanted to do together
Your life doesn't end just because you broke up. Do the things you have planned with him, but do them alone.
If you wanted to travel before you broke up, travel alone. Believe me, a little solitude and a change of scenery will do you good.
You need to clear your head and accept what happened. You won't get through this by sitting at home and crying and plotting your revenge.
7. Write down what happened to you
You don’t have to be a writer to write. Just take a piece of paper and write down all your feelings, your anger, your frustration and your sadness.
Let the emotions out of you and write them down. Your text doesn't have to be coherent and your story doesn't have to make sense. The sole purpose is to let it all out.
You'll feel better, you'll see and who knows, maybe you'll discover a hidden talent in you and you'll thank the idiot who hurts you , tampered with and abandoned.