6 Undeniable Signs You're Dating an Honest Man

6 Undeniable Signs You're Dating an Honest Man

I can't imagine the difficulties one must go through to find an honest guy in a sea of ​​toxic ones.< /p>

And when you find it (or when you think you've found it) you still can't trust it completely because you were scammed before.

You start observing his behavior, looking for clues that confirm or disprove your suspicions.

And when you find something, you're still not 100% sure about its validity your thoughts.

But all hope is not lost. Here are 6 things all honest men have in common that will help you tell an honest guy from a toxic liar.

1. He looks you in the eye

If the guy you're dating makes eye contact with you all the time, it means his conscience is clear and he has nothing to hide.

The thing is, people tend to make eye contact avoid when they're hiding something because they feel too vulnerable in front of you.

So if you notice him looking you in the eye when he's talking, and especially when he's talking about himself, does this mean that he is honest with you and that you should never question his intentions.

2. He has no history of cheating

If the guy you're dating has no experience of cheating, chances are he was in his early days ;was honest in previous relationships and will be honest with you too.

Take in every word he says as he talks about his past and you will see what kind of guy he is.< /p>

But even if he has cheated in the past, that doesn't mean he will do the same to you.

If that's the case, ask him for the details and how he feels about it.

If he shows remorse, it means he's sorry for everything he's done, and he will never repeat the same thing again.

3. He never hides his phone

An honest guy will never hide his phone when he's with you.

He won't keep it in his all the time Hide bags or refuse to answer his calls.

An honest man will always make sure to put his phone in a visible place and he won't be afraid to show you some pictures or videos on his phone.

You can test him by asking him ask to show you some of the pictures on his phone or something else interesting and if he agrees he is honest with you.

But when he says there is nothing entertaining in his phone and himself refuses to show it to you, he may be hiding something from you.

4. He is humble

An honest guy is humble. Point. He never boasts about his achievements, his job, or the money he makes.

He is always humble, regardless of the circumstances.

Modesty and honesty go hand in hand hand. You cannot be humble if you are not honest and vice versa.

And these are the qualities of a true gentleman who knows his worth and how to treat a woman.

5. He never makes excuses

Another sign of honesty is when your guy is consistent in his decisions. Does he call you when he says he will?

Is he always there on time? Does he keep his promises?

Your man is being honest when he always tries to be on time and never makes excuses for being late or for some other factors that somehow prevented him from doing that to fulfill what he promised you.

6. He cares a lot for you

It's one thing to care for someone and just say it with words, but it's quite another when you show it with your actions.

If your guy is going out of his way to show you how much he cares about you, he's definitely being honest with you.

It's really hard to treat someone with respect and appreciation when you don't fancy that person.

If your man treats you with care, you will be his top priority, and so will he will do anything to make you feel comfortable and loved by him.

He just won't be able to be dishonest with you because he will put all his energies into making you you feel unique and he's not cheating on you in any way.

And if you're still not sure, just listen to your intuition and follow your heart.

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