18 Types Of Lovers: Which One Are You?

18 kinds of Lovers: Which one are you?

Just as there are different kinds of love, there are different kinds of lovers.

The Greeks had a perfect example of each kind of love because, Of course, love cannot be interpreted in terms of just one emotion.

Is it even possible to compare love for a friend or sister with love for a lover? ?

These three types of love are completely different and yet have the same value.

In this text I will not talk about the Greek types of love (Eros, Philia, Storge, Agape, Ludus, Pragma, Philautia), I will focus on an even narrower categorization of these emotions. 

< p>Although the ancient Greeks long ago made a very simple subdivision of the classification of types of love, we will now delve deeper into this matter than the Greek philosophers once did.

I will Discuss types of people and what type of lover they are.

When you meet someone for the first time, it's normal to have an inexplicable urge to get to know that person.

You date, spend time together, and slowly you make your head around Image of that person and who they really are. 

You can read many signs by their body language or the way they speak or think, even before you are in a romantic relationship with that person . 

Basically, if you observe closely, you can already get an idea of ​​what kind of person you are dealing with. 

You might also get a clue as to whether or not you should have a lasting relationship with this person.

The thing none of us think about at the beginning of a relationship – ; because most of the time you're too smitten with the person you've fallen in love with – is that there is usually more to it than meets the eye. 

There is always something that is hidden deep and not visible.

For example, what kind of lover is he/she? What is his/her love style like?

Everyone has heard of the 2 main types of lovers – a settler and a reacher

In other words, a healthy relationship requires the commitment of two people.

One of these two could be so much better off as a partner and the other person is damn lucky – the settler is handsomer, smarter, and more capable, and will fall for someone who is reaching for someone better.

Besides these two types, there are a plethora of more specific types of lovers , which you may not have heard of very often.

Not all types of lovers are compatible.

There are giving, taking, controlling, dependent and independent lovers.

There are as many different types of people as there are different types of lovers.

For example, it is impossible for a controlling lover to be in a happy relationship with someone who is independent ;native and needs his freedom to do whatever he likes. 

This relationship was doomed from the start. 

People are looking for their perfect partner – someone who fits their needs and psychological profile.  

So if a controlling person likes to make decisions for both people in the relationship, an independent person will not accept that because they will not allow anyone to control their life.

Even if the sex is good, such a relationship will not work.

It may work initially as long as the intimacy is purely sexual, but as the relationship grows, major personality differences will be the reason why the relationship broke up .

Or simply put, not all types of lovers are compatible.

Although there is something we all seem to forget

Love comes in many different shapes and colors – unconditional love, physical attraction, infatuation, romantic love, pragmatic love, compulsive love…who knows what kind of love will turn out to be real, true love for each and every one of us?

Regardless of what love may or may not be, love is different for each of us and it depends on how you interpret it. 

It depends your current state of mind, what kind of lover you are…

Essentially, there is only one personality trait that dominates each of us, but different temperaments can result in varying degrees of other personality traits blending into the main trait.

It also changes our core trait and so does the kind of lover we are.

For example, if you are feeling down, you will withdraw and not be yourself.&nbsp ;

So even if you're a controlling lover, that side of you won't be as pronounced if you're depressed. 

Or if you're usually a taker, a good mood in the Instantly convert to a giver. 

This applies not only to you, but also to your partner.

…Which brings us to the conclusion that a person is not just one type of lover can.

Different circumstances cause different reactions. This applies to life as well as to relationships.

Situations we find ourselves in trigger different emotions in us, so that sometimes we react emotionally differently than usual. 

Not all types of lovers are made to be in certain relationships. Some are fatal to a relationship while others are perfect.

In the end we are all looking for the perfect partner, the catch is that everyone's perfect partner is different. 

Many different types, but only one dominates

When you consider that our emotions dictate how we behave towards others and ourselves, you definitely come to the conclusion that every person is a mixture of everything, yes in the end there is a dominant feature that makes us what we are and can never go away.

This dominant trait determines what kind of lover someone is; how your partner perceives you and how you perceive him.

1. The Giver

Givers are called givers for two reasons: they feel they are not good enough or they are simply the ones who love more.< /p>

If you feel like you're not good enough, try to make up for it with outbursts of love and by paying attention to your partner. 

They do this because they think they are not giving enough, so they are giving way too much. 

Another type of giver is the one who just loves a lot more than the other person. In simple lover language, this person is definitely a reacher.

It is their primary instinct to give as much as they can out of pure and selfless love, nothing more.

2. The Taker

Takers think highly of themselves.

They see themselves as a prize of sorts and the person who is in a relationship with them should consider themselves lucky to have ended up with someone like that. 

Well, unfortunately that is a wrong attitude, but what can you do about it – most people can’t change themselves.

They feel like they put so much into the relationship and if it wasn’s there, the relationship would already be broken ;che go before it even begins. 

Recipients only take feelings and give nothing in return, they also think that they don't have to. 

Recipients can be closely related to narcissists, who also only take and never exist, but unless your partner has a mental disorder, the diagnosis is fairly simple: they are selfish.

3. The Controller

At first you get the feeling that a Controller only wants the best for you. 

At first everything seems so sweet. to be – the calls and checking – you think he loves you so much and cares about you so he needs to know where you are and what you're up to all the time. 

After those daily, excessive checks; routine, they turn into a nightmare. 

Your once loving partner turns into a crazy possessive freak who won't let you leave the house without his permission. 

What once was a sweet, innocent love seems to have turned into manipulative and controlling mind games and emotional blackmail.

4. The Satisfier

Her pleasure is in pleasing her partners.  Your love is selfless and unconditional. 

Your willingness is incredible. 

If you want someone who is always there to support you, a Satisfier is the right person for your emotional needs. 

Even if the Satisfier doesn't benefit, be nice and kind to him.

These people deserve all the love you can give them because they give you everything they have.

5. The Selfish

In general, all lovers are alike, but the almost invisible gradations make the difference.

If you really look closely and analyze a person, you will see these small but very important differences. 

A selfish lover will always do what suits him best. He will try to take advantage of any situation he can think of.

Even if you think he did something to make you happy, take another look, because there must be something that he gains from it while doing what appears to be a selfless act.

6. The Doubter

Dating a Doubter is really a challenge.

He will never fully trust you. No matter what you do, he will always have a spark of doubt in the back of his mind. 

These suspicions will always gnaw at him and he will never be able to relax.

< p>A doubter feels threatened by everything and you have to constantly prove to him that you love him.

It's an arduous relationship that will fall apart sooner or later because no one has the patience to live a life of judgment and uncertainty. 

Doubt hangs too associated with jealousy, which occurs after a considerable period of time when one person thinks the other is hiding something.

7. The actor

This type of lover only speaks hot air and nothing more.  He promises you the world, but usually he gives you nothing.

This type of person is called the actor for a reason.

Since they are well aware of who they are, they will pretend to be someone else – in this case, a loving and caring partner.

Most of the time, however, he just pretends to care about you. 

He always asks you if there is anything he can do to make you happier, but he never does.

8. The Adventure Seeker

The adventure seeker hates monotony and their goal is to keep the relationship exciting at all times. 

That excitement doesn't necessarily have to be a good thing.

Once he realizes that your relationship is sailing peacefully along, he'll start a fight just to get things pumped back up. 

He's always looking for excitement and new things to do.

Usually that's a good thing, especially if you're an adventurous person – except for the quarrels he provokes because he is bored.

9. The Annoyed One

This type of lover is annoyed by everything in a relationship.  He even gets upset about little things. 

He is annoyed all the time by the most banal things.

Annoyed people want to have time for themselves, which is normal in of a relationship, but for him this time is exclusive with no exceptions.

If something or someone disturbs his personal space, he loses his nerve and bursts into flames.

10. The Materialist 

The Materialist is all about the good life.

When they feel comfortable and have everything materialistic they can needed, he won't argue with you.

Even if he knows you don't love him and you're together for some other reason, he won't care as long as he has the luxurious life he's used to.

In other words, a lack of love is no reason for separation for the materialist.

11. The Stray One

You can also call him a lover during the infatuation phase.

The first few weeks of your relationship or during the infatuation phase the stray be head over heels in love with you.

Whatever you want, he gives it to you. You feel like your life has turned into a fairy tale and he is your prince charming.

But over time, when your relationship has settled into everyday life, he will always be little. aloof and distant.

The initial passion fades and he loses interest in you.

He's starting to look for someone else to impress and you're doomed , as “someone to be fun with while it lasted” to be stamped.

12. The Helper

Such a lover has a good side as well as a bad side. On the one hand, he is always there to help you.

He wants to sacrifice himself for your benefit. His constant urge to help you become a better person is extraordinary. 

On the other hand, the bad kind comes out.

It is It's nice to have someone sacrifice themselves and invest their time to help you, but the helper will definitely use that against you.

His help is not a selfless act; it's a tool he can use against you at any time, one to manipulate you into doing things for him because he sacrificed himself for you.

13. The Possessive

The love of the possessive is unquestionable. You don't have to doubt him because he really loves you from the bottom of his heart.

But – and there is always a “but” – his love is possessive. 

That means when you are with him there is no one else.

He doesn't trust you and thinks that everyone around you is trying to seduce you. 

You'll notice that every time you talk to someone else, the possessive will fidget. 

He'll ask you a thousand questions about the person you were talking to and even if you answer all his questions, he still won't trust you.

14. The Loyal

The Loyal does not seek adventure. He doesn't distrust his partner or try to get the upper hand in the relationship.

He's devoted to you in love because he wants to be with you. He will always have your back because his love is sincere and pure. 

The loyal one has no hidden motives for his love for you. 

So a lover will never look for someone else. 

He won't cheat on you because he doesn't feel like it. 

Everything he could have ever wanted, he found in you.< /p>

15. The Passionate One

Sexual tension is the most important thing for this type of lover. 

In his world, sex comes first.

So it's logical that if something's wrong in bed, he'll probably leave you.

The sexual desire of the passionate is quite great, but his achievement is also worth mentioning.

There is no stopping until you are not completely satisfied. 

The passionate can hiding his shortcomings in other aspects of the relationship with his sexual prowess and insatiable hunger for sex.

16. The romantic

If you're not into romance then you should stay away from this type of man because you won't be able to handle this over-romanticism. 

If you like being courted and taking a storm conquered, then you need a man like that.

He will make every single moment you have unforgettable and there is no chance he will ever forget an important day in your relationship.

17. The compromiser

The compromiser is carefree and actually the most grateful love partner.

If you are a stubborn person and like things to go your way, then you need a compromiser in your life. 

Almost always he will tolerate your demands or worst case scenario and a Find a solution that works for both of you.

The reason why he turns a blind eye most of the time is the fact that he hates conflict and is up for a fight under any circumstances wants to go away.

18. The Enthusiastic

The Enthusiastic always wants to have new experiences in a relationship. 

He wants to travel places where he has never been before and Doing things he's never done before. 

Sometimes he doesn’t even stop thinking before doing something that may cause minor problems, but nothing he. can't finish.

So there you go, there are all kinds of lovers out there. Which one is yours? Or which one are you?

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