17 Authentic Signs He Secretly Likes You From His Body Language

17 Authentic Signs He Secretly Likes You By His Body Language

I bet we've all been curious about body language; It's a man's talk that shows us he secretly likes us, doesn't it?

If a man finds you attractive, you expect him to openly admit that to you, or in a slightly more direct way shows.

The least you expect from him is that he invites you on a date.

But you have to understand that not all men have the courage to be so direct with a woman and that not every man does it the same way.

There are men who are naturally more shy than others and have trouble expressing their feelings no matter how strong they are may also look like.

Such men will not approach you directly, nor will they hit on you the way other men do.

They will show their interest in you in a different, more subtle way, though.


You may think that a guy is sending you different signals because he wants to play with you, but it can also be a sign of his insecurity.

So these are exactly the things you should look out for to find out if a guy really likes you.

Body language will reveal his true intentions, even if he's consciously trying to hide them.

While everyone expresses affection in different ways, in case you're wondering, does If a certain guy is into you, here are the 17 most common signs he secretly likes you based on his body language.

If you notice a guy only sending you one of these signals, Of course, that doesn't mean anything.

However, if he exhibits any or all of these behaviors, one thing is certain – this man likes you.

1. He stares at you

People, especially men, who want to hide their true feelings will do anything to appear disinterested and in control so the object of their desire can't see right through them.

But the only thing they can't control, no matter how hard they try, is their eyes.

That's why the first thing you should do when you're unsure if he likes you is his eyes.

A guy who likes you will stare at you all the time, and that's the first thing , surefire sign of his feelings for you.

It's simple – he is so mesmerized by you that he can't take his eyes off you even if he wants to.

Even if the room is filled with other girls, he will only have eyes for you and will look at you like you are the only woman in the world because for him you are the most attractive woman .

He won't mind looking you deep in the eye and will do everything in his power to make direct and sustained eye contact with you.

Although he obviously doesn't has the guts to openly admit his feelings to you, this is one of his ways of showing you that he really cares.

He’s also trying to see through your eyes.

He is testing you – whether you will look at him in the same way he looks at you or whether you will look at him without any interest or even with disgust.

2. He looks away

When a person runs away from your sight and does everything in their power to avoid eye contact, the first thought is that that person has nothing to do with wants to do with someone.

You might be thinking that this guy can't stand looking at you and is just waiting to walk away once the two of you are together.

It doesn't have to mean that.

Even though you may think this is a sign that this guy dislikes you, it can actually mean the opposite.

If a guy looks away, it can be a sign that he secretly likes you.

You are obviously dealing with a shy man who doesn't have the courage to approach you or look at you properly.

He is afraid that you will see his feelings in his eyes and will reject him or even taunt him when you realize he's in love with you.

He's acting like a teenager who has never been in love and he can't take the object of his affection to look at.

So it's easy to look away when your eyes meet.

It obviously takes him a few seconds to pull himself together before he can talk to you properly.

3. He always smiles when he looks at you

Another sign that he secretly likes you that you can tell from his body language is related to the way how his features change every time he sees you coming through the door or walking past him.

In addition to his eyes, his mouth and entire face will also change.

This guy just can't help but smile when he makes eye contact with you.

He doesn’t only smile with his mouth and teeth – funnily enough, it seems like his entire face is grinning.

Every facial muscle moves and is happy to see you.

This man might be in a bad mood, but when he sees you his whole face lights up and all his problems magically disappear.

That's a good sign because obviously he likes you more than you think.

Even if the two of you just walk past each other, he will give you a smile.

He has trouble putting his feelings into words and this is his Way to show you he noticed you.

Especially when he hears your voice.

If you think about it, you've never seen him mad or dead serious because whenever you two are talking, he can't help but smile at everything you say.

4. His eyes are always on you

When a man is into you, even if he tries to hide it or refuses to accept it, his body is that one well aware of the obvious physical attraction.

If you're wondering if he's into you, one sign he likes you is the direction his gaze goes when he's with you.

If a guy looks around when he talking to you or constantly checking his smartphone, it can be a sign that he is just nervous about being around you.

It can also be hot; It turns out he's not interested in what you're saying and that's why he's so easily distracted.

However, if a guy really likes you, he'll walk your every move track.

He will try not to be distracted by anything other than the two of you.

Because of this, his eyes will always be on you.

In this way he will be able to fully concentrate on you and he will be able to look deep into your eyes as you speak and see through every signal you might be sending him and see your beauty completely to enjoy.

5. Everything you say is funny

Come to think of it, you probably have a bit of a sense of humor and are fun to be around.

Realistically, you really aren't funny and not everything you say is funny.

But obviously this guy thinks differently.

He laughs out loud at every little thing you say and thinks your jokes are beyond terrific.

Even if he's a bit shy, he'll be able to relax in front of you because he's comfortable around you.

Of course, he thinks it's fun. makes him want to hang out with you, but his loud laugh is also his way of getting your attention and making him stand out from the crowd, and it's definitely a sign that he's crazy about you.

But not only that – you also get the feeling that he is really trying to make you laugh too.

Whenever the two of you are with others and he tells a joke or funny story, his eyes are always on you to see your reaction.

If he sees you laughing, he is satisfied that his mission is accomplished.

It is clear that you are the most interesting person on the planet to him and everything you say amuses him.

But that's not all – he also wants you to find him interesting.

6. He pays attention to his hair and his outfit

Do you know that feeling when you suddenly realize how you look when you meet a guy who you like?

Out of nowhere you don't like your outfit anymore and you are extremely worried about the condition of your make-up and hair.

Introduce yourself! Men are exactly the same when it comes to someone they like – Except for the makeup part, of course.

The truth is, men want to look good when they're around a woman they're into, although they probably do wouldn’t admit it out loud and might not even be aware of it.

Well, one small sign that he really likes you is the way he arranges his hair and clothes. ck when he sees you approaching him.

Some guys will fix their hair, tuck their shirt in their pants or whatever, but the point is the same.

Whatever he's wearing and whatever he looks like, he'll always be Worrying that something isn't right and that he could have dressed up better for you.

Aside from trying to look good on you, he does also out of nervousness.

He knows just don't know what to do with his hands and this is his way of keeping them busy.

7. His legs and hands are shaking

When a man gets nervous around you, he usually has something to hide and in this case it's his feelings.< /p>

He's afraid you'll notice how crazy he is about you, but he doesn't want it to be noticed as he's not sure if you like him too.

One way to show he's nervous is for his legs and hands to tremble.

He may not even be aware that he is doing this, but he has no control over it.

He might as well be playing with his glass or something else.

All of these are signs that he's attracted to you, but he's trying so hard to hide it.

8. His voice changes

You've probably caught yourself not being able to control your voice when you're around your crush.

Suddenly you start acting like a little girl speak without really realizing it.

The same thing happens to boys. Their voice changes without them knowing it when they are around a girl they are strongly attracted to.

Among other things, their voice pitch can become uncontrolled increase.

They do this subconsciously and instinctively because it has been scientifically proven that women are more sensitive to higher pitched voices. Women associate higher pitched sounds with crying babies.

Another possibility is that men get a deeper voice.

A deep voice always becomes associated with masculinity and when a man likes you, he will do anything to make you look even more masculine.

Because of this, he will subconsciously get a deeper voice for you to start seeing him as a real man.

Either way, this man is likely to raise his voice when he's with you speaks.

This is a subconscious way to get your attention and be heard for him.

He knows; exactly that there is stiff competition and he needs to stand out from the crowd.

He also wants his voice to stay in your memory as something familiar.

9. He touches you randomly

If a guy likes you, he is also sexually attracted to you.

This means that he will do anything just to be close to you and to touch you in some way , even if it's just is random.

And that's exactly what the guy who likes you does all the time.

Every time you talk to the guy, n&uuml ;he takes every opportunity to wipe something off your face or brush your hair out of sight.

When he's talking to you, and especially when he's laughing at one of your jokes, he'll put his hand on your knee or shoulder.

As he walks past you, he'll likely put his hand on yours lower back.

You should know that this guy’s body has an uncontrollable urge to touch you constantly and he probably doesn’t even realize it himself.


However, this in no way allows him to behave inappropriately and disrespect your boundaries.

Therefore, should a man cross your red line and break your self-imposed boundaries, you should tell him unequivocally make it clear that this is going too far for you, this is nothing to be ashamed of.

10. He hugs you and kisses you on the cheek

Chances are you have numerous male friends and whenever you meet one of them you give each other a discreet kiss on the cheek or a hug.

This is especially the case if you let a’ Haven't seen it in a while.

And at first glance, he's the same. Whenever you see each other, he gives you a kiss and hugs you.

But if you take a closer look at his demeanor and if you pay a little more attention to his signs, you'll see that he's clearly different from stands out from your other male friends.

Something is different when he gets close to you.

Somehow you feel different.

Your gut feeling tells you that you are right and he is more than just wants a normal friendship.

He's the type of guy who will take any opportunity to give you a friendly kiss.

This is a definite sign that he likes you kiss on the mouth, but I simply lack the courage to do something like that.

That's why he now settles for a kiss on the cheek.

But if you analyze the matter more closely, you'll find that his kisses are always dangerously close to your mouth and he's against his desire to kiss you properly.

It's the same with his hugs.

He would never forget to hug you if you greets you.

And not only that – his hugs are also quite intimate.

He always tries to hold you for as long as possible and he acts like he would never let you go again if he had a chance with you.

11. He blushes

When you see a small child blush, you know they are ashamed of something or trying to hide something.

This human trait stays with us forever, but over time we learn to control it in almost all situations.

Except when we've fallen head over heels in love with someone.

That's when you lose control of your body language and it has little to do with age.< /p>

This is especially the case with blushing. At first you don't realize you're blushing.

It's only when you check it yourself, or when someone in your group brings it up, that you try to stop thinking about the thing that made you blush to get your normal complexion back.

Yes the more you try, the more insecure you become about your red cheeks and your face just gets redder.

This is what happens to the guy who loves you all the time when he's in your is close.

He can feel the heat from his veins direct to his face and there is nothing he can do about it.

But why would he feel and look like that when he couldn’t care about you?

It is clear that this man is crazy about you and too crazy ;ten is a signal from his body to tell you.

12. He shows jealousy

Well, this guy isn't your boyfriend and you never gave him any hope of becoming one.

But the fact that the two of you not dating doesn't stop him from having strong feelings for you.

And that certainly doesn't alleviate the emotional pain and anger that boils up inside him when he sees you with another guy.

He's unable to rationally control his jealousy by telling himself argues that he has no right to have such feelings and should not behave like this.

He is someone who is well aware that he must not express his jealousy publicly.< /p>

He knows that this will make him look like a psycho and will drive you out of his life forever.

But that's the last thing he wants. That's why he never told you about his jealousy. But he told you about other things.

It's like that in your friendship, every time you mention a new guy or someone who asked you out on a date, let alone someone , whom you date regularly, his mood suddenly changes to negative.

If you ask his opinion on a certain man, he always manages to find his bad qualities to tell you that you deserve better, implying that he is that better guy for you.

After a while you stopped asking him for relationship advice, but his demeanor hasn't changed – he continues to scold your partners or potential partners.

Every time you suspect he's getting jealous again, you'll change your mind when you see how greedy he is to know about every little thing in your life.

< p>You think that if he loved you and still wanted to know every detail of your love life, he would have to be a masochist.

What doesn't come to mind is the fact that that this is a sign that he has feelings for you.

He knows likes to be in control of everything in your life because it makes him feel in control – or at least partially.

He thinks this will help him see if things go wrong again or if things get serious this time with another man so he can intervene in time.

< h2>13. He's sitting next to you

If you're wondering if a certain guy in your clique is into you, one sign he secretly likes you is if he's always trying to find a way to sit next to you.< /p>

No matter how many other people are around the two of you, somehow he acts like you two are a couple and it's natural for him to sit next to you.< /p>

Eventually his habit became something natural and it seems normal to everyone in the group.

This is an obvious sign that he likes you but is afraid of you of your rejection.

He invades your personal space but is completely unaware of any wrongdoing.

These are the only times you spend time together because he doesn't have the courage to ask you out of a date ask to spend alone time with you.

Since this is the only time he sees you, he tries to at least make the best use of this opportunity.

He wants to be as close to you as possible and he devotes his entire evening to you alone.

If he's sitting next to you, there's also an opportunity for him to have his arm around your chair to give.

In this way, he doesn’’t violate any boundaries since he’s not theoretically touching you.

Instead, he can always excuse himself by raising his arm needing to rest, at the same time it makes him feel like he's hugging you.

14. He notices everything about you

Another sign that you've piqued a man's interest is the way he's paying attention to you.

Once you walk into the room, he can't take his eyes off you.

In addition, he notices every little change in you.

He even notices details that even other girls wouldn't notice, such as a new t-shirt or just slightly trimmed hair.

At first you thought you were imagining things and that the guy is actually treating you like everyone else.

But gradually you realized that you were by no means exaggerating.

The guy has had his eye on you for a while and there's no doubt about it.

Also, he might have already checked out all your photos on social media and you have no idea about it.

And he doesn't just do that when you're around him. He does this even when the two of you are physically separated.

This guy will be on the lookout for you all the time, just to get a glimpse of you without actually taking any action.


But it's obvious that he doesn't mind making a real effort to see you and check you out.

And that wouldn't be the case if he wasn't attracted to you would be, which it obviously is.

He just can't take his eyes off you once you're around as he feels the need to cover you from head to toe; to review.

15. His pupils were dilated and his eyebrows raised

There is another good sign that someone wants more of you, which has to do with that person's eyes.

It has been scientifically proven that when people talk to someone they like, their pupils dilate.

And your guy is no exception. Whenever he sees you and especially when he talks to you, it pleases him more than anything.

This causes his pupils to dilate whenever he is near you. he is talking to you.

Another sign associated with his eyes is his eyebrows.

Every time the guy sees you, he raises his eyebrows, moving to keep his eyes wide open.

He does this because he subconsciously wants to see you better so he can pay more attention to you.

In this way, he doesn't just focus on the words that come out of your mouth – he also has the opportunity to read your signals and body language that you might be sending him.

16. He licks or bites his lips or looks at your lips

You've probably seen women licking or biting their lips because they were nervous or because they were trying to seduce a man.

But this gesture isn't unique to the female part reserved for the world's population.

Although many men try desperately to suppress this urge, lest they be deemed unmany if they say it on their lips bite, there are also physical reasons for it, namely when they are around someone they like.

The lips have always been one of the most erotic parts of the human body, so it's natural for them to be used to appeal to the opposite sex as well.

Thus, if a man likes you, one thing for sure – he will pay special attention to your lips while he looks at you.

It is more than obvious that he feels an uncontrollable urge to kiss you, but is too shy to to do it.

Even if he sees your photo on any social media site, he'll act like it.

Something similar happens with his lips – subconsciously he tries to get your focus on his lips, for this reason he licks or bites his lips.

You clearly turn him on and he shows it to you by biting his lip .

Another possible reason for this behavior could be that he’s breathless and his lips dry due to his nervousness around you, so he licks them.

If you noticing such behavior, you know that this guy craves physical contact.

Now it's up to you whether you allow it.

17. He breathes deeply

When we like someone, we not only feel this desire mentally, but also psychologically.

Instead, our whole body also feels it, this feeling takes over as soon as the arousal gets too intense.

This means that our entire nervous system is overwhelmed when we are in are close to the object of our desire.

Among other things, the arousal we feel makes our blood flow faster and consequently we feel like we are losing oxygen .

That's why a guy who likes you always seems to have trouble breathing when he's around you.

He's going around Gasping for breath as a lot of oxygen and blood is rushing to his heart and other organs.

So another sign he secretly likes you is heavy and deep breathing.

He knows just don't know what's going on with him and he needs some time to get back on his feet.

After all, you're the first to breathe deeper when you're excited and turned on, so it is that's a very clear sign that the guy is beyond crazy about you.

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