12 things you should know before dating a low maintenance girl

12 things you should know before dating a low maintenance girl

1. An ideal date for her is to stay at home with you

There are girls who like fancy restaurants and expensive food, but she is not one of them.

She prefers to be at your house, wearing your shirt, watching Netflix and eating pizza. If there's beer, that would be great too.

She never asks too much of a man she's with and only fools can't see how amazing she is. It is so remarkable in its simplicity.

2. It only takes her 10 minutes to get ready for a date

A girl like this knows that having a good time is more important than wearing lots of makeup, heels and a tight dress.

She is always pretty, no matter what she wears. She doesn't worry about her closet, she's more interested in having a great time with you.

So if you make an appointment with her, she only needs 10 minutes to get ready. What a wonder woman, right?

3. She will wear your shirts

She likes to feel comfortable at home, so she will probably wear all your shirts and look like a million bucks.

You have no chance of ever looking as good as her in these shirts ;n. But since you really like her, it doesn't bother you and you think it's really hot that she's wearing your favorite shirt.

4. She doesn't get upset about little things

She's the kind of girl who doesn't worry about little things.

If something bad happens she will just accept it because she knows she couldn’t have helped it anyway.

She never worries too much because she believes that everything that happens has its own meaning and purpose. She knows that after all the rain there is always sunshine.

5. She has her own style

It's not her style to dress up and be all chic.

She likes leggings, gym wear and any casual clothing that she feels comfortable in. She doesn't like makeup and her favorite style is all natural.

She doesn't care what other people say. She is relaxed and easygoing about everything that makes her so unique and attractive. Being true to yourself and being comfortable in your own skin makes you incredibly sexy.

6. She won't drag you to malls

In fact, you're probably going to spend more time in malls than she does.

She only goes shopping when she has nothing to wear, but even half an hour in the shops is torture for her.

She would rather use this time to go outside doing something productive and fulfilling.

Time spent between 4 walls is not their idea of ​​fun. She needs something that will inspire her soul.

7. She is adventurous

She doesn't mind taking you for a walk or kissing you in the rain because she's not afraid to get wet.

If you invite her to take you to the mountains go to sleep under the stars, she'll happily accept the offer.

She's an adventure in herself, and you won't spend a single dull moment with her.

Her enjoys spending time outdoors, breathing the fresh air, hiking and admiring the views. She feels at home when she is in nature.

8. She likes a challenge

A girl like this likes to try anything she can because she knows we only have one life and we should live it to the fullest.

She likes to try new things and is not afraid of taking risks. She likes challenges and she really enjoys them.

So if you want to win her heart, don't try to tame her, accept her wild spirit and be by her side!

< h2>9. Material things are not important to her

She values ​​her own money because she knows how hard she worked for it.

But it does she doesn’t mind spending it on people she loves and making them happy that way.

She doesn’t need a sugar daddy because she’s more than capable of being herself to support herself and she really doesn't understand women who aren't self-employed.

She just needs someone who will click. Someone who will give her their time, attention and affection and nothing more.

And that's a big difference between a low maintenance girl and a high demand girl.

10 . Small things matter most to her

If you date a girl like this, it will be easy to meet her needs.

She doesn't need the stars and the moon, just you when she's sad.

She needs you to tell her that you love her and that you're so lucky to have her in your life have.

She just wants to hear that someone cares about her and that people accept her for who she is.

11. She lives in the moment

A girl like this doesn’t get super nervous because she has an exam or saw her ex on the street. She just chills and does her own thing.

She never plans anything and if someone invites her to go somewhere, she will accept it.

She thinks every moment should be enjoyed and she sees everything as a blessing.

12. She is confident

A girl like this knows how much she brings to the table and she takes pride in her accomplishments.

Her self-esteem has increased over the years Years up and that's one of the reasons why she will never be jealous when you talk to another girl.

She knows that you have your friends and that they were a part of your life before she came along. She will never be angry because you spend time with her. She will even encourage you to do so.

She loves spending time with you, but it doesn't have to be 24/7.

She cherishes every moment with you and she finds quality more important than the amount of time you spend together.

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