12 messages from him that show his abusive personality

12 Messages from him that show his abusive personality

Abusive relationships come in many forms and unfortunately we can get stuck in one without realizing it in time.

Texts that contain süß and affectionate become controlling and abusive.

His need to know where you are turns into aggressive stalking.

There are certain signs that his abusive Reveal Personality Before The Fun Starts! and the games become hell.

1. Where are you and with whom?

His constant need to know where you are and with whom shows that he doesn't trust you at all.< /p>

He doesn't really care that your feelings get hurt here, because he needs to ease everything that's going on in his head.

It's one thing, worry about showing your partner, but asking for constant information about their life is just disconcerting.

2. You will be in trouble if you don't answer me now.

He doesn't care if you're busy or unable to use your phone, and he doesn't care if you're sleeping, in a meeting, or sick; he's so sure you're doing something you shouldn't that he needs to hear from you as soon as he texts you.

3. What are these salacious pictures?

If you post a picture on social media where you're wearing something other than a romper that also covers your face, hate it he it.

No matter what you wear, how much makeup you put on or how dressed up you are, he thinks you're just showing your body to attract other guys.

He thinks that you're only doing it to make him jealous.

4. I don't think you really love me. You never listen to me.

He specifically TOLD you to call him at 2pm, he told you he hated that dress, he told you he wanted you to be home when he got home from work. Come back.

It's your fault there was a traffic jam, it's your fault for loving that dress that fits your eyes well, it's your fault for not listening to it. rst.

It's like you're not even allowed to love him.

5. You can't go out without me.

How dare you have fun without him in a place where there are so many other men?

How dare you act so slutty when he loves you so much and gives you the whole world?

He knows what men really want and that's why you can't go without him .

That's why he must ALWAYS be by your side. Because he just loves you so much.

6. Do you even care about me if you make plans without asking me?

You made plans with your girls because you haven't seen each other for ages.

And suddenly he's the hurt one, he's the ignored one.

He wants to go with you and you have to decide whether to bring him to ruin everyone's night or stay home and only ruin yours.

7. What are you doing with him?

You're taking a break from work with a colleague or having a family reunion with a bunch of cousins ​​(and, of course, some are male) and he's freaking out because you're hanging out with someone who has balls besides him.

If he keeps asking you questions about your relationships with the most random men in your life, then that is a clear sign that you are dealing with an abuser.

8 . I don't think it's my fault.

He just freaked out because you didn't listen to him.

He freaked out because you left without telling him where you're going or you weren't home when he got there.

No matter how hard you try, he always finds a way to make a fuss about something you did wrong (even if you didn't know you did it) and finds a way to blame you give.

9. Even my friends think you're crazy.

Usually, a text like this is followed by some of his crazy demands, because he's right and you're wrong.

And even his friends can see that, so how come you can't? He wants you to question your sanity, because that way he can control you much more easily.

10. You can't talk to him; leave if he's going to the party.

Whether it's a guy from work, your ex, or a friend you've known for a long time; he's so jealous of him that he demands you leave as soon as he gets to the party or even the bar while you're hanging out there.

Unless he is with you, because that way he can show his dominance.

11. Convince me you're home. Send me a photo.

The moment he starts asking you for proof and pictures, the fun is over. long gone.

If you haven't left before then it's about time you did. No man is worth losing his freedom.

12. I'll break up if you do that.

He's practically blackmailing you into staying with him. Is this kind of relationship really worth it?

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