10 things all cheating partners have in common

10 things that all cheating partners have in common

While no one likes to snoop on into someone else's private life, it's a different story altogether when your partner is afraid to leave their phone unattended when they're with you is.

Men who are insecure, for example, are more likely to cheat. Cheating men pose a problem for women because after a while we start to believe that all men are the same.

While that's not true, it really is so that the men who are willing to cheat often have some characteristics in common.

1. He keeps his phone away from you

While nobody likes it when someone snoops around in their private lives, it's a different story when your partner is afraid to leave their phone unattended when they're with you.

A man who not hiding anything, will put his cell phone on the table and go to the toilet, even though a girl is sitting next to the phone.

A man who has a problem with leaving his cell phone next to a girl leave, obviously hiding something.

2. He is insecure

Men can be insecure because of their looks, weight, job or salary.

If he is constantly afraid of being fired and losing his hair obviously has very low confidence.

All of these things can make a man cheat because he thinks it will help him feel desirable again.

3. He is narcissistic

Narcissistic men are more likely to cheat because they lack compassion and see women as objects.

They care about themselves the most, and they think they have the right to do what they do want. They see women as objects.

But they also need to be able to get confirmation all the time that they are good enough, and after they get that from their girlfriends, they need to look for more from other women. Don't try to change such people because it's impossible.

4. Lack of intimacy and tenderness

It's one thing when your boyfriend has always been a bit cold and it's difficult for him to compliment you and showing his love.

But if he did suddenly, that could mean a problem.

The sex act is one thing and real intimacy is something completely different.

Even if you have a good sex life, cheating is still possible because sex is a physical act while showing affection is more difficult.

He's not as friendly as he is before, he avoids kisses and the intimacy isn't the same anymore – these are all signs.

If this happens, talk to him and tell him you need more attention.

If he still claims he hasn't changed, be careful. Something might be wrong.

5. He flirts with everyone

If he's more charming than he should be and he wants to impress every girl he meets, he might be cheating on you.< /p>

Of course, a man can be charming and loyal at the same time, but be careful.

6. He doesn't respect his mother

A woman should pay close attention to how her partner behaves towards his mother.

If he doesn't respect her enough, he certainly won't respect his girlfriend or other women.

7. He believes he is powerful and successful

Successful people are more likely to have affairs. The easiest way for a man to remain faithful is to build his confidence. That way he won't become egocentric.

8. He suddenly started criticizing you

Suddenly everything matters to him – how you eat, how you dress.

If he's constantly criticizing you and telling you how to do something, he's probably just trying to divert attention from his bad behavior.

< h2>9. He keeps forgetting things

He forgot your birthday, your favorite restaurant or the plans you had together? Or he forgets the promises he made to you.

If this turns out to be happening too often, you should take it as a red flag.

10. He won't answer his phone

If he's hiding from you when someone calls him or doesn't answer his phone, there's reason to be concerned.

< p>Maybe your partner often changes their phone password and ”forgets” it in the car or at work.

Trust your instincts when they tell you something is wrong, because they are usually right.

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