Most of us have already had this experience: you are in a relationship and for the first few months you are on cloud nine.
But as soon as the first phase of infatuation wears off, smaller and bigger problems appear, which lead to arguments between you.
In a relationship, arguments are completely normal and nothing, something to worry about.
After all, you are both individual people with individual character traits that sometimes clash.
It is important that you do not in front of your problems, but grabs them directly by the forelock and tries to find a solution.
Couples who stick together in relationship crises and work together on their problems usually emerge stronger from these crises and have a closer bond than before.
But it's not always easy , to recognize a relationship crisis, after all, it doesn't just knock on the door and say “Hello, I'm here!”.
It usually comes along slowly and insidiously and many couples recognize it only when it is already too late.
However, there are some small clues that you can use to recognize an impending relationship crisis and do something about it in good time.
So here are 10 signs that will help you uncover your relationship problems .
After that, I have prepared 7 tips for you on how to fight your crisis and save your relationship.
Recognize relationship crisis – 10 signs your house is lopsided
There are many small signs that indicate that there is an imbalance in your relationship and that a relationship crisis is approaching.
However, a relationship crisis does not necessarily lead to a breakup.
If you recognize a crisis early enough and do something about it, you can counteract the end of your relationship and save it.
So here I have for you 10 signs that can be real relationship killers if you ignore them and don't work on them.
1. You discuss your relationship problems with others
Communication is the most important thing in a relationship and you should trust your partner and be able to talk about everything.
< p>One of the first signs that you are in a relationship crisis is when you start talking about your relationship problems with everyone except your partner.
And that's exactly where the problem lies: your relationship problems primarily only affect you both and if you want to solve them, you have to talk to each other.
How is your partner supposed to know, for example, that certain things Annoying him if you don't talk to him about it, but cry to your best friend and keep quiet about him at home, hoping he'll find out for himself that he's done something wrong.
In a relationship you should openly address your problems, show your feelings and say if something bothers you, because that's the only way you can work on it and change things.
2. You suddenly recognize qualities in your partner that bother you
This phenomenon usually occurs when the infatuation phase is over and you no longer know your partner with the rose-colored glasses.
Looking at it objectively, you notice things that you didn't see before because you were blinded by the new relationship.
But now the initial excitement and tension has subsided and suddenly you realize that your partner has a few quirks that bother you.
Something like this also happens when couples move in together and Get to know each other on a deeper level and discover things about your partner that you didn't know before.
A simple example is the partner's morning habits: one prefers to lie in bed 10 minutes longer while the other needs an hour in the bathroom.
But if the other partner has to go to the bathroom, because if he's in a hurry, there will be friction.
You just have to give each other time to get used to each other and adjust.
3. You take each other for granted
Once you've been in a relationship for a while, both partners run the risk of taking each other for granted.< /p>
However, just because you are together now and the relationship is stable, does not mean that you should stop working on and nurturing the relationship.
Your partner should continue to feel that you love him love and are happy to have him by your side.
Therefore, you should always show with small gestures and attentions that you value your partner and do not take him for granted.
4. Children
As sad as it sounds, children can also often be a reason why couples slide into a relationship crisis.
When your relationship reaches a higher level and you have a child together you give the child all your attention.
This in turn means that you give each other less time, not to mention intimate togetherness.
Especially since you slip into a new role with a child, namely that of the parents, you lose sight of your role as a loving couple.
One is so busy with children and everyday life that that both of you and your relationship are neglected.
Suddenly you are just parents and not lovers anymore.
Therefore it is extremely important, despite the child, also time to find each other.
It can be very helpful if you treat yourself to an evening without children once a week and just spend time together and concentrate on yourselves.
5. Lots of arguments
A clear sign that you are in the middle of a relationship crisis is frequent quarrels.
Sure, quarrels are part of a relationship and are also completely normal, even if they are only quarrels there is something wrong and there is a need for action!
Often the cause is buried deeper than you might want to admit.
You are generally dissatisfied with the relationship, with yourself, you know; not what you want or other things weigh on you and we now project this negativity onto other things and arguments arise.
It is therefore important to get to the bottom of the causes and try to find out why the argument came about.
It often helps to put yourself in your partner's shoes and see things from their point of view.
Such a small change of perspective can help you to see that it is not worth arguing about every little thing, but rather to seek dialogue and openly address what bothers and bothers you.
6. Hardly any physical closeness
Another sign that things aren't going quite so well in your relationship is when you decide toö distanced yourself from each other on a physical level.
Of course, sex is not the most important thing in a relationship, but an active sex life is part of a healthy relationship.
If the partner feels sexually unsatisfied or repulsed by you; s, he begins to look elsewhere for sexual fulfillment and this usually ends in an affair and the breakup.
While you may not always feel like having sex, being physically close to your partner is important and it can show in different ways – Kissing, caressing, cuddling…
It doesn't always have to be sex to be intimate with your partner.
7. Alienation
After a while, many couples find themselves growing apart and alienated.
You get to the point where you ask yourself ”Who is this person, I don't even recognize him?”.
Yes, how did it come about?
Well, this process did not happen overnight, but developed over a long period of time.
The everyday relationship has returned, everyone has dealt with themselves, the relationship has been let slide .
Everyone pursued their personal hobbies, their professional career and worked on that and not on the relationship.
You only spent a little time together anymore because you spent a lot too busy with other things and that's how we grew apart.
Now it's time to get closer and save the relationship.
You might want to consider seeing a couples therapist who can give you helpful relationship tips on how to get back together.
8. Hardly any time for each other
If couples only spend a little time together, this can quickly lead to a relationship crisis, as you feel abandoned and neglected. lt.
There can be various reasons why you hardly have time for each other: work, children, different interests and priorities, disinterest.
First you should find out why you hardly spend any time together .
If the reason is that you don't want to spend time with your partner because you'd rather be doing something else and your partner is just annoying you because he's always nagging you, then you should seriously consider whether you should still want to be in this relationship.
However, if you have a lot on your plate because you want to achieve something professionally or because you have children and they take up a lot of your time, but you are sure that you love your partner and maybe secretly even have a bad conscience because you don't spend as much time with them anymore, then you should find a solution together.
Try to spend more time together, for example by agreeing on a day to go out or going on weekend trips together.
Dedicate yourself to each other, put yourself and the relationship first and it will do your relationship good.
9. You make important decisions without your partner
A relationship is also a partnership in which you live your life together and are there for each other.
However, if you start making important decisions without your partner, then something is wrong and you find yourself in a relationship crisis.
You two are a team and should stick together and be loyal.
< p>You should also make important decisions together, regardless of whether they affect only one or both of you. After all, your partner is also part of your life and should therefore be included at all levels.
The partner should be the person you consult with and who supports you in all situations and is there for us.
That's why you're in a relationship.
10. Disinterest
Sad but true: if your partner is hardly interested in you or your relationship, then you are already deep in the relationship crisis and it will be difficult to get out of it.
You have probably lived apart for a long time and now there is hardly any interest in what your partner is doing, how he is doing and whether he is still happy.
Disinterest is pretty much the result of all the above signs, so you should work step by step to find each other again.
A first step would be to be honest about your partner's interests.
Why is my partner so interested in this hobby?
Try to put yourself in your partner's shoes and see things from their perspective.
It's also important to sacrifice yourself for your partner and to do something that really means a lot for their sake.
You're not that into rock music, but your partner's favorite band is coming to your town ?
Have a go and get two tickets to this concert as a surprise for your partner.
Your partner will definitely like it and show him that you are interested in him and so he will certainly take a step towards you.
save relationship crisis &nd; 7 tips on how to get back together
Now that I have given you 10 signs that you can tell that you are in a relationship crisis, I now have 7 Tips for you on how to get out of this and find your way back to each other.
If you really care about your partner and the relationship, then you both need to make an effort and work on yourselves.
A relationship is like a flower, it needs nurturing and regular attention to keep it from wilting.
With that in mind, take these tips to heart and you'll be on the right track to bring new life into your relationship!
1. Remembering the beginning of the relationship
When you're in a relationship or marriage crisis, you usually only see the negative things and paint everything black.
During this time, it helps to go back to the beginning of your relationship.
Why did you fall in love with your partner?
What exactly fascinated you about him? Where did you first kiss?
Try to remember the good times, the butterflies in your stomach and the many memories you have together.
So you can then also compare whether this crisis is really worth throwing away all that or whether you want to fight for your partner after all.
2. Boost communication
Communication is the be-all and end-all of every relationship!
Partners have to talk to each other, confide in each other, talk about problems , things that bother them.
Hushing up about problems or gorging on them won't help you get rid of them.
So if you find that you and your partner aren't that much anymore talking to each other, try to stimulate conversations.
Ask each other how your day was, how you're really doing and if there's anything that's bothering you.
This is how you show each other that you have a genuine interest in your partner's life and that you definitely don't want him in want to miss in your life.
3. Spend more time together
To repair your relationship and prevent a breakup, you should try to spend more time together.
It is helpful if you agree, for example, to spend an evening together as a couple once a week.
What exactly you do is up to you – going out for a chic meal, going to the cinema or just lying on the couch as a couple and enjoying being together.
It is important that you consciously take time for each other and dedicate yourself to each other.
< p>Another possibility would be to designate the bedroom as a smartphone-free zone.
So you can go to each other before going to bed and talk about your day, your thoughts and fall asleep together, that also brings you closer physically and mentally.
4. Willingness to compromise
This point is particularly important because it allows you to avoid many arguments.
In a relationship, you should also be willing to do so to deviate from his opinion and to compromise.
If both partners always stubbornly insist on their opinion and point of view, there will be more and more friction because they will never come to an agreement.
In a relationship, one should be willing to compromise, for the good of the relationship, for ;r his partner, meet halfway.
If both partners disagree a little and make concessions, then it is much more likely to come to a solution that both are happy with.
And that is exactly the first step out of the relationship crisis.
5. Put yourself in the partner's position
In addition to the willingness to compromise, you should also try to put yourself in your partner's shoes and look at things from their perspective.
In this way, you get a different perspective on things and come to terms Findings that you wouldn't otherwise have.
Many misunderstandings can be cleared up in this way, as you realize that there are multiple perspectives and perceptions and not necessarily your own opinion must be the right one.
Such a change of perspective can also help to understand your partner better.
Often it is easier to understand why your partner reacted in a certain situation in this way or why he is depressed and withdraws.< /p>
A little empathy and this mutual understanding will help you to overcome your relationship crisis.
6. Professional help
Sometimes it's important to realize that you can't do it alone.
If you admit that you can't get out of the crisis on your own, you can get professional help and start couples therapy, for example.
And there's nothing to worry about to be ashamed of!
It's just something positive and shows that you want to fight and work on your relationship.
Couple counseling can help you how you can find each other again and overcome your crises.
It's also often good to have a neutral person involved and take on an advisory role.
She's impartial, listens, and gives you ways to work on yourself and your relationship .
7. Taking time out from the crisis
Working on a relationship and putting everything back together can be very stressful and tiring.
That's why it's also good if you treat yourself to a break.
Go away for the weekend and enjoy the time together without constantly talking about your problems.
Once you have recharged your batteries, you can continue again work on your relationship.
In this way you keep a cool head and don't run the risk of slipping from relationship work into the next relationship crisis.
And if everything gets too much for you and you need time for yourself, then you can also take a short break from your relationship, where you can think about everything.
In this temporary separation you should ü Think about what exactly you want to change and in which direction the relationship should go.
Because only if you are sure that you want to hold on to the relationship and you love your partner, you will survive the relationship crisis and emerge stronger from it.
Other helpful tips on the topic of saving relationships fin are you here.